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Finance is a key pillar of the economy, essential for business growth and the well-being of society. It can be divided into two main categories, internal and external. Internal finance comes from the company’s own capital, while external finance comes from sources outside the company, such as credit institutions, investors or public bodies. External finance may be more costly than internal finance, but it gives the company access to substantial funds that enable it to develop its activities.


We target SMEs seeking capital for growth and profitability. Our competitive lending terms and tailored funding solutions can be a great opportunity to start a significant journey to success.


Construction companies need financing to start new projects. Building a property takes time and money, and the return on investment can be long in coming. Long-term financing with favorable terms and a fixed interest rate could help construction companies meet these challenges and ensure the success of their projects.

Commercial property is an attractive investment because it offers stable income and value. Recognising this trend, lenders are offering long-term finance with favourable terms and fixed interest rates, making it easier for investors to acquire commercial property, either for investment or for their own use.

Energy remains a key area of interest for lenders because it offers significant and stable returns. The energy sector is constantly evolving, with new innovations and models being developed to improve energy production and reduce costs. Over the past 20 years, the South Central EU has seen significant development in green energy production, such as photovoltaic and wind farms. Lenders support the energy sector by providing funding from the purchase of land to the completion of the energy project.

Europe’s industrial and artisanal production is the backbone of each country’s economy. Its expansion helps to reduce imports from the world market and creates new jobs. The manufacturing sector requires continuous development of equipment, improvement of product quality, upgrading of staff skills and knowledge, as well as redesign and strategies to cope with competition. This leads to increased financing needs, which can be met by the trusted international lenders.

Healthcare is a vital and important sector that requires significant capital to provide quality services and care to patients. For this reason, there are beneficial funding solutions available for those seeking high quality, reliable healthcare funding services.

Technology finance is a critical element in the growth and development of the technology industry. It provides start-ups and established companies with the resources they need to develop and promote new technologies. Lenders are willing to invest in technology, particularly in new ideas and innovative products that demonstrate growth and profitability.

Shipping is one of the cornerstones of the global economy, transporting most of the world’s goods and people. Shipping has a long history, dating back thousands of years. Shipping finance is vital to the growth of the industry and to the economies of all countries with ports. Lenders provide funding for the purchase, construction or maintenance of a fleet.

The supply chain system consists of facilities that transform raw materials into finished products and distribute them to end users. Supply chain management deals with the flow of goods within the supply chain in the most efficient way. To achieve these results, companies need ongoing capital to cover the operating costs of the existing supply chain and to expand the chain as required. These financing needs can be adequately met by a trusted lender.

Agricultural finance is a sector that addresses the specific needs of agricultural production and agribusiness. It includes loans, grants and other financial products to help farmers and ranchers finance their activities and develop their businesses. Typically, lenders view agriculture as a positive sector and will finance an agricultural business plan that includes something innovative and linked to new technology.

Our fee is paid when the loan is disbursed. Once the loan agreement is signed, all obligations are the sole responsibility of the parties involved. All transactions between the lender and the borrower are made via Swift MT103s at the bank coordinates specified in the loan agreement.

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