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Entrepreneurship in Europe

Η επιχειρηματικότητα στην Ευρώπη

looking at the past and the future

Entrepreneurship in Europe has undergone a remarkable evolution, passing through different phases and facing different challenges. Let’s take a look at the main stages of this evolution:

Early stages (19th century – 1970s)

The industrial revolution stimulated the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various sectors.
The focus was on production and the domestic market.
The role of the state was limited and the emphasis was on a laissez-faire economy.

Decades 1980-1990

The emergence of the European Union (EU) created a single economic environment that encouraged entrepreneurial activity at a European level.
The emergence of new forms of enterprise, such as start-ups and new businesses.
Increased funding and support for start-ups, with initiatives from the EU and Member States.

The 21st century

The digital revolution has radically changed the business landscape, creating new opportunities and challenges.
Rise of the knowledge economy and focus on innovative start-ups in technology, biotechnology and green growth.
Important role of incubators, accelerators and investment funds in supporting entrepreneurship.

Prospects for the future

Sustainable development and digital transformation are expected to drive business activity.
More social entrepreneurship to address social and environmental issues.
More cross-border cooperation and exchange of know-how between European start-ups.
Development of new policies and initiatives to strengthen women’s entrepreneurship and inclusion.


Entrepreneurship in Europe has evolved significantly, with the digital revolution and the focus on sustainable development shaping the future. Continued support from the EU, Member States and the private sector is essential to strengthen European entrepreneurship and develop competitive and innovative enterprises.

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