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The website uses cookies


Except as set out on the Disclaimer page, GM FINANCIAL GROUP LTD may collect identifying information from users of the Website using technologies such as cookies or Internet Protocol (IP) address tracking. Our website address is or

What are cookies?

Cookies, which are small text files stored on your hard drive, are valuable tools that help ensure a smooth and personalised experience on our website. Cookies can be divided into 4 main categories, none of which contain any personal information:

Essential cookies

Without these essential cookies, it would be impossible for the site to function properly and for you to be able to browse, access secure areas and use other features. As a technological basis, these cookies do not store your personal data and cannot be refused.

Session cookies

When you browse a website, small files called session cookies are temporarily stored on your computer or device. These cookies act as a ‘memory’ for the website, allowing it to remember your actions and preferences, such as your username, login details or the products you have added to your shopping basket. When you close your browser, session cookies are automatically deleted to protect your privacy and prevent unwanted data storage.

Performance cookies

Performance cookies, which act as anonymous ‘observers’, help us understand how users interact with our site. By collecting statistics on the most frequently visited pages, any errors and other metrics, they enable us to optimise the browsing experience, identify and resolve problems and provide a smoother and more efficient environment for our visitors.

Targeting/advertising cookies

Targeting/advertising cookies are used to provide you with content and advertising tailored to your interests and to enhance your web experience. They can be used to deliver targeted advertisements/offers, limit the number of ads you see, or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. They are usually placed to remember your visit to a website.

The use of cookies in the

At we use cookies to provide you with a better browsing experience and service. The adoption of regulations and legal frameworks for the use of cookies is an ongoing effort at both the Greek and European levels. Knowing that the formulation of these rules is relatively new, we feel responsible to inform you clearly and honestly about our cookie policy.

At, we use cookies for several purposes, including:

To improve your browsing experience: cookies help us remember your preferences and provide you with a more personalised experience. For example, we can store your preferred language or remember your login details so you don’t have to re-enter them each time you visit our website.

Collecting statistics: We use cookies to collect statistics about traffic to our website and how users interact with it. These statistics help us to improve our website and provide you with a better experience.

Displaying advertisements: We may use cookies to display advertisements relevant to your interests.

Further information

We use Google Remarketing Tags and Facebook Pixel Tags cookies to provide you with a personalised experience. These cookies collect anonymous data about your browsing on our website, such as the pages you visit and your interests. We then use this data to show you targeted Google Adwords and Facebook ads that match your preferences.
In particular, the cookies we use are

Performance cookies: These collect statistics about site usage, such as the most popular pages. They do not identify visitors.

Targeting cookies: display ads and offers related to your interests. They measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. They remember the pages you have visited in order to show you relevant content.

Google Analytics cookies: provide statistics about site traffic. They improve your experience.

Joomla & WordPress cookies: keep track of your browser version and settings. They keep the site running smoothly. You can manage your cookie preferences by changing your browser settings.
Thank you for your trust!

We use web beacons, known as “clear GIFs“, and log files, known as “log files“, to gather statistics and non-personal information to understand how users interact with our website and emails. Our goal is to enhance your experience by providing content, products, services and offers tailored to your interests, taking into account factors such as frequency of visits, navigation, link clicks and response to advertising campaigns.

Is my personal information safe when I use

At, the security of your personal information is our top priority. We are committed to maintaining strict security measures to protect your information, not sharing your personal information with third parties for commercial purposes, and providing you with transparency about how we collect, process and use your information.
We use state-of-the-art technology to encrypt your information, security policies that are regularly reviewed and updated, and procedures to tightly control access to our systems.
We offer you full control over your personal information, the ability to change or delete your data at any time, and easy access to up-to-date information about our privacy policy. Choose with confidence, knowing that your personal information is safe and secure.

How are cookies enabled and how can I control them?

Understanding cookies, IP addresses and web logs Most browsers automatically accept cookies. However, you can change your browser settings to control and manage them. Each time you connect to the Internet, your computer is assigned a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address that allows data to be exchanged. Typically, your IP changes each time you connect. In some cases, such as broadband connections, your IP may remain constant, potentially revealing personal information.
GM FINANCIAL GROUP LTD and its digital service partners collect anonymous information through your IP and web logs, such as date/time of visit, browser type and operating system. This information is used for statistical purposes and to improve your experience on our website.

Can I disable cookies from

We provide users with full control over usability cookies. You can disable them at any time either by using the option at the bottom of each page or by adjusting your browser settings. Please note that not accepting cookies may limit your access to certain services.

Can I delete the cookies from

Every user has total control: Delete all cookies stored on your device quickly and easily at any time. All popular web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge, offer easy access to cookie management through the Help or Preferences menus.

Last modified: 2024/09/02

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