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If you need capital for your business, complete the loan application below and let us help you achieve your goals. We understand that every business is unique and we will work hard to provide you with the best possible solutions. Once you have submitted your application, you will be advised of the documents you need to send to us for consideration. All applications are assessed on the basis of the adequacy of the information we receive.


Legal representative/business owner.
Includes country code and number.
Do not use commas, periods or other punctuation marks.
Conditions: Your company must be incorporated in the UK, have a physical bank account, have been trading for at least 4 months and have an annual turnover of at least £10,000
*Once you have submitted your application and documentation, we will review the information and contact you with the results of the initial assessment.


UK: +44 2392 16 2112 | GR: +30 6974 484 092

Mon to Fri 09:30am-17:00pm. Closed Sat and Sun. You can also leave a voice message and we will get back to you


Contact us by email


London offices

3 Cardinal Point, Park Road, Rickmansworth England, WD3 1RE

Our fee is paid when the loan is disbursed. Once the loan agreement is signed, all obligations are the sole responsibility of the parties involved. All transactions between the lender and the borrower are made via Swift MT103s at the bank coordinates specified in the loan agreement.

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